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Home improvement & diy

6 Easy Ways to Update Your Home on a Budget

 (modified Apr 25, 2023)

Spring simply calls for changes. Some people are inspired to start changing their habits or their looks, while others love to start from their home. The latter often requires a lot of funds and time.

Depending on the property’s size, the extent of the remodeling project, the necessary equipment, and the quality of the chosen materials, renovations typically cost thousands of dollars. Even the lowest figure can sound pretty expensive. However, if you only want to freshen up your home, there are ways to do it without overspending.

With some smaller and less demanding projects, it’s possible to create a new look in just a couple of days and on a shoestring budget. Here are some great budget-friendly ways to update your home this spring.

Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

The price of a painting job will depend on the size of your property, the average prices in your area, and other factors. If you’re trying to save money, you can prioritize some rooms to paint now and leave the rest for next year. You’ll probably want to prioritize the living room, as it’s the central part of any home.

As for the choice of color, both warm and cold neutrals will work well, but you can also be trendy and opt for Pantone’s color of the year. This year’s invention from Pantone’s think-tank is actually a combination of two tones, called Ultimate Gray and Illuminating (yellow). The two complete and contrast each other in a way that can make any space interesting.

Ladder in a renovated room of an updated home

Make Yourself Comfortable

The aesthetic appeal of your home might be your motivation behind this remodel, but keep in mind that you need to live in that space and spend most of your time inside. Use this chance to invest in improving your own comfort. The best place to start is your bedroom so that you can create the perfect sleep oasis. You can buy a new mattress and pillows to improve your sleeping habits. Other things to invest in are an air purifier or dehumidifier, air conditioning, linens, pillows, etc.

Update the Lighting

New lighting solutions can really uplift a space and provide a new perspective. When a room is poorly lit, it doesn’t just appear small and cramped, but it also affects the mood of its inhabitants. A properly lit room, on the other hand, infuses feelings of spaciousness, brightness, and optimism.

The easiest and most affordable way to brighten your home is by adding strategically placed floor lamps and table lamps. Changing the ceiling fixtures, installing wall lamps, and adding task lights is a somewhat more demanding and expensive undertaking, but also very rewarding.

Reserve Your Dumpster

Give Your Kitchen a New Look

Kitchen remodeling usually takes up most of the renovation budget. Fortunately, there are some tricks that can create a new look without leading you to bankruptcy.

Painting the cabinets is the first, but you can also change the drawer pulls and door handles. You can also upcycle your furniture: paint some mismatched chairs, spruce up an op-shop table, refurbish the chairs, etc. By removing the cupboard doors, you can create an open-shelved modern look and exhibit your best pottery.

Change Your Window Treatments

When chosen well, window treatments can upgrade the appearance of any room. When chosen poorly, they can turn a fun room into a dull one. But first, think about this: do you even need window treatments?

Leaving the windows bare can seem like a good idea because it will allow a lot of natural light indoors and make the room seem bigger.

If this is not your cup of tea, dress your windows with curtains that match the walls for an elegant and calming look. Or, you can choose a bold contrasting shade or pattern to make a statement.

Keep an Eye on Details

Details, adornments, and accessories are what turns a space into a home. They can transform a blank canvas into a piece of art. Here are some ideas you could use:

  • Enrich the interior with pieces of art. Focus on one art style to generate a cohesive story throughout your home. Alternatively, find another common element, such as colors or frames, to join everything into a whole.
  • Strategically place plants in every room. For example, get soothing herbs such as lavender for the bedroom and edible plants in the kitchen (e.g., basil, rosemary, a lemon tree), etc.
  • Create a more texturized and comfortable feel by layering rugs and adding different throw pillows. Play with different materials and combine metallic, silk, and shaggy accessories.
  • Finally, you’ll want to personalize the interior. Make it your own. By adding items you genuinely care about, whether they are books or travel souvenirs, you’ll create a space filled with love and care.

Final Word

Each one of these improvements can, on its own, upgrade and renew your home. All you need is a few ideas and the right tools. When combined, they give an entirely new picture. And all of that on a small budget.

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